60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (20) To Lamont Library

2004/07/06 (Tue)


After dinner in the cafeteria today, I stopped by the Lamont Library. According to the Summer School Guidebook, several libraries and computer centers on campus are open to summer school students.


When I entered the library, I inserted a plastic student ID card into an elongated card reader, and a metal bar opened, allowing me to enter.


The Lamont Library is evaluated to have a large collection of books and reading rooms among the libraries on campus, so I wanted to make great use of it during the summer school, but unfortunately there are no Japanese newspapers or magazines.


Although I am not good at English, I was able to satisfy my intellectual inquiry by touching some books that cannot be seen in Japan, such as several English magazines, Harvard publications, and colorful catalogs.


There are several study spaces just beyond the reading room, and wooden desks, chairs, lamps, etc. are placed in the spacious space, and it was thought that studying would progress.

I wanted to use this, but unlike the dormitory, it has air conditioning, so it may be difficult to make a reservation.


When I left the library, I was surprised when a clerk instructed me to open the bag and look inside.


By the way, at one of the Tokyo Metropolitan Library, it was forbidden to bring in items other than valuables when entering the reading room, and it was a rule to store them in lockers.


Also, at a ward library in Tokyo, there is no special caution when entering the newspaper reading room, but when entering the magazine reading room, it is a rule to put everything except valuables in the locker.


The method is different, but no matter how academic the facility is, it seems that both Japan and the United States are sorry for the view that humans are born good.


The photo is Lamont Library
























方法は異なるが、いくらアカデミックな施設といえども、日米ともに性善説(the view that humans are born good)で物事はすすまないようだ。

