60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (55) 4 presentations by 1 team to complete the workshop

2004/8/11/ (Wednesday)


At the workshop in the afternoon class, it was decided that one team would give four presentations as a finishing touch. 


Each team consists of 3 to 4 people, each team has 20 minutes, and presentations on the four themes can be made by teams or individuals.


The theme will be selected from all the events that have been held in the class so far, such as facility tours, lectures by professors in the Plenary Lecture Series, and group discussions.


In addition, be sure to include the theme “politics, environment, and education” that runs through the entire summer school.


Our team was decided to consist of four people, and as a result of a quick meeting, it was decided that the presentation would be made individually.


The themes to be picked up are (1) Steven Spielberg's film "The Amistad Revolt," which was screened at the opening event of the summer school, (2) "John F. Kennedy Library and Museum" from the facility tour, and two themes from the plenary lecture series, (3) "Why We Run?" ④ "Bushido" were selected, and each student decided to give a five-minute presentation.


Pictured is Boylston Hall, where the workshop classrooms are located.

















採り上げるテーマは、①サマースクールのオープニング・イベントで上映された、スピルバーグ監督の映画「The Amistad Revolt」②施設見学から「John F. Kennedy Library and Museum」、そして、プレナリー・レクチャーシリーズから2テーマ、③「Why We Run?」④「武士道」の4つを選び、各自5分の持ち時間で発表を行うことに決めた。


写真はワークショップの教室があるBoylston Hall