
Retrospect 1979 San Francisco (1)

Accommodation in San Francisco I chose "Hotel · California" same as the title of my favorite Eagles song from the guide book.Because this hotel does not have a star, the price is cheap, it is convenient place of transportation in downtown,…

Retrospect 1978 Hawaii

The entry into Hawaii at the end of our US West Coast pack tour, which began at the end of 1977, changed year and was in 1978.Although staying in Hawaii was 2 nights, we were able to heal the stress of foreign travels, such as a huge hula …

Retrospect 1977 Los Angeles

Disneyland was included in the option of pack travel, but we wanted to pleasure at our own pace, so we decided to go by greyhound bus.The inside of the downtown bus stop is dusty with garbage and abandoned plastic bags, and in Los Angeles …



Retrospect 1977 San Francisco

My first overseas trip was a pack tour of "West Coast of the USA and Hawaii" that I participated with my friends using the year-end and New year vacation in 1977.This triggered that the then West Coast music boom, and the yen / dollar exch…

Change of protagonists (2)

On a hot day just brief rainy season has ended, I accepted my friend's request for lunch together in Ginza, followed a sunglasses selection at a department store during a bargain sale.And when I stepped into the target sales area, I was su…

The era advances while changing the protagonist (1)

In recent years in Ginza, the majority of the people who are walking energetically with brand shopping bags are Chinese tourists.Also, there are many Chinese tourists overwhelmingly choosing products while listening to advice from salespeo…

The end of the painting drawn as a hobby (2) A story of former colleague

About two years ago from now, I was told from a former colleague woman that she was refused by asking if she would accept a picture frame from a neighboring woman.In the story of a former colleague, a father of a neighboring woman died rec…


更に続けて『三体和歌会』での寂蓮の詠歌を見てゆきたい。 夏 太くおおきに読むべし 夏の夜の有明の空に郭公月よりおつる夜半の一声 (現代語訳:夏の夜の明けようとする頃の空に、郭公の月の内より出てくるかと思われる夜半の一声がする) 秋 からびほそく…