60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (30) First presentation by a multinational team (1)

2004/07/16 (Friday)


At this afternoon's workshop, Mr. C, a Taiwanese businessman, Miss L, a Thai female student, and my first multinational team gave a "UN" -themed presentation.


The three of us have been working on preparing presentations every day after school since we formed the team a week ago, but we started by getting used to each other's English pronunciation.


Frankly, I couldn't hear most of the words of the two, especially the tongue twister with Miss L's unique intonation.


However, Miss L clearly says to my English, "I can't really hear what Kazu is saying."


In such a situation, it was not smooth from the beginning, but we proceeded with the work by adding gestures and writing to supplement each other's poor English in order to decide the scenario of the presentation and the division of work.


Mr. C and I each bring a laptop, but Miss L does not, so we decided to meet at the on-campus computer center to do the preparatory work after school.







今日の午後のワークショップで、台湾人ビジネスマンのMr.C、タイ人女子学生のMiss L、そして、私の初めての多国籍チームによる「国連」をテーマにしたプレゼンテーションを行った。




率直に言って、私は2人の殆どの言葉を聞き取る事が出来ず、特にMiss Lの独特のイントネーションによる早口の英語には手こずってしまった。


ところが、Miss Lは私の英語に対して「Kazuは何を言っているのか全く聞き取れない」とはっきり口にする。



