Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 1994 Portugal (3) Christian pilgrimage site: Bom Jesus

Many churches are found in the city of Braga, which flourished as the first religious city in Portugal from the Middle Ages to the early modern era, as it is called "Lisbon is fun, Coimbra is learning, Porto is working, and Braga is a city of prayer." Most of them are architectural styles called "Manuel style" (estilo manuelino), which was popular in Portugal between the 15th and 16th centuries. 

The most representative building in its "Manuel style" (estilo manuelino) is the Jeronimos Monastery, which was built in the Belém district of Lisbon to commemorate the opening of the Vasco da Gama route to India.


The picture shows a church in the Manuel style (estilo manuelino) on a hill 400 meters above sea level in Bom Jesus, a Christian pilgrimage site on the outskirts of Braga. 

The church has beautiful baroque staircases, the upper part of which is called "three-goodness stairs" and the lower part is "five-senses stairs". 

In particular, there is a fountain at each step of the "five-senses stairs", and at the last landing there is a beautiful garden called "Moses Square", and we climbed by foot, not by cable car.


However, religious people are said to climb the stairs with their knees while praying, but we couldn't do that much.




リスボンは楽しみ、コインブラは学び、ポルトは働き、そしてブラガは祈りの街」と称されるように、中世から近世にかけてポルトガル第一の宗教都市として栄えたブラガの街には数多くの教会が見られるが、その多くは15世紀から16世紀にかけてポルトガルで流行した「マヌエル様式」(estilo manuelino)と呼ばれる建築様式が多い。 

その「マヌエル様式」(estilo manuelino)で最も代表的な建物は、ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマのインド航路開拓を記念してリスボンベレン地区に建てられたジェロニモ修道院が挙げられる。


写真はブラガの郊外にあるキリスト教の巡礼地であるボン・ジェズス(Bom Jesus)の海抜400メートルの丘の上に建つマヌエル様式(estilo manuelino)の教会。 

この教会はバロック様式の美しい階段を有し、上部を「三徳(three- goodness)の階段」、下部を「五感(five -senses)の階段」と称している。 

特に「五感(five -senses)の階段」の各階段毎には泉があり、最後の踊り場は「モーゼス広場」と呼ばれる美しい庭園があり、私たちはケーブルカーではなく足で昇った。

