Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 1988 New York (3)

The second New York Stock Exchange Findings, which was the aftermath of Black Monday in October 1987 last year, is a big difference from the last time it was the 1986 energy days, and it saw a less lively deal.


Black Monday is a global stock market crash that started in Hong Kong on October 19, 1987 (Monday), especially the closing price of the Dow 30s on the New York Stock Exchange dropped by $ 508 from the previous weekend. 

And the 22.6% drop on Black Monday outweighed the 12.9% drop on Black-Thursday in 1929, which triggered the Great Depression. 

The stock price crash on the Black Monday New York Stock Exchange chained to the Asian market the next day, and the Nikkei average stock price in Japan dropped by ¥ 3836.48 (down 14.90%) to ¥ 21,910, a record high. In the European market, there was a rush of institutional investors' selling orders and a simultaneous drop in global stock prices, which greatly damaged the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom.


By the way, I watched the movie "WALL STREET" for a while after returning home, but this film depicts a ruthless and greedy investor building a bubble economy, and the leading role, Gordon Gekko, It was very impressive that Michael Douglas, who played, talked over 10 minutes hotly on the theme of “Greed is good”.










ところで、帰国後暫くして映画「WALL STREET」を観たのだが、この映画は、冷酷、かつ貪欲な投資家が営々とバブル経済を築く様が描かれており、主役・ゴードン・ゲッコーを演じるマイケル・ダグラスが「Greed is good」をテーマに10分以上に亘って熱っぽく語った場面はとても印象的だった。