60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (7) Zero Absence Policy

2004/06/28 (Mon)


I was surprised at the words "Zero Absence Policy" while reading the English training guide distributed before yesterday's leveling test.


According to the text, summer school authorities require students to attend all classes and absent only if they are absent due to illness or injury and are accompanied by a doctor's medical certificate.


With this, I can't catch a cold for two months. With my poor English ability, I had a headache just thinking about explaining the symptoms to a doctor at Harvard Hospital and requesting a medical certificate for sick leave.


Photo ① Zero Absence Policy text

Photo ② Notification of late arrival / absence


Photo ①




Photo ②     





Zero Absence Policy




昨日のレベル分けテストの前に配布された英語研修ガイドを読んでいて「Zero Absence Policy」の文字にぎょっとした。






写真①Zero Absence Policyの文章 
