Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 2001 London (5) FREE MARKET along Green Park

While saying, "Bacon in London is delicious," my friend and I had a late breakfast at the window seat of the cafe on the first floor of the hotel.


And when I looked at the window, many people stopped on the sidewalk along Green Park across the wide Piccadilly street, looking for something spread out on the ground or on a small platform. It looks like FREE MARKET.


We, the curious, cannot miss this opportunity. We hurriedly drank coffee, crossed the street, sought out some items, and then stopped at a corner with paintings, photographs, and posters of various sizes spread out on the ground.


A friend said, "I wanted a picture to decorate the room I just moved in," and bought a duplicate painting of about 30 cm x 50 cm. And I bought a watercolor painting of trees, cars and people in a 24cm x 19cm golden frame.


In addition, at the knitting corner, I bought a Fisherman's sweater with a rope pattern woven from thick yarn of ecru. It was a simple sweater with the image of warmly wrapping a fisherman who works exposed to the cold wind of the North Sea. This sweater helped me a lot in the winter of the next few years in combination with denim pants.


Well, a few years later, when I suddenly looked at the back of the golden frame, I noticed for the first time that a sticker printed with small letters was stuck in one corner.


When I take out the loupe and check it, there

“David …….” Was written with the name of the author of the painting, followed by Tall Tree, Lower Street, Gissing Diss and the title of the painting.


Then, when I searched the address on the sticker on the net, a photo of a small gallery appeared. I guessed it was the gallery that exhibited the painter's own work.


And now, I put my poor watercolor painting in the golden frame and decorate it in my room (on the right side of the photo).

I'm sorry, Mr. David.








そして、私がふと窓を見ると、広いピカデリー通りを挟んだグリーン・パーク沿いの歩道に多くの人たちが立ち止まって、地面や小さな台に広げられた何かを物色していた。どうやらFREE MARKET のようだ。











“David…….と絵の作者とおぼしき名前が記され、その後に、Tall Tree ,Lower Street ,Gissing Dissと絵のタイトルが続いていた。






ごめんなさいね、Mr. David。