Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 2001 London (7) The original musical is from London

What I learned for the first time on this trip to London was Cameron Mackintosh, who produced these musicals that have been running for more than 10 years, such as "Cats," "Les Miserables," "Miss Saigon," and "The Phantom of the Opera."


According to the program "The Phantom of the Opera," Cameron Mackintosh was awarded the title of Sir in 1996 by Knight for his contributions to the musical industry.


Until then, I had no doubt that the home of the musical was Broadway in New York, but the tendency of musicals at that time was that the original work was born from London, and Broadway played a role in spreading it to the world. I think that.


Based on my modest musical appreciation experience in New York and London, the London musical was highly dramatic, and the New York musical was characterized by gorgeous and dynamic dances and songs.


Photo (1) Cameron Mackintosh

From the program "Phantom of the Opera"


Photo (2) Table of contents of theater gore, a theater information magazine in London














それまでの私は、ミュージカルの本場はNew Yorkのブロードウェイと信じて疑わなかったのだが、あの頃のミュージカルの傾向は、オリジナル作品はLondonから生まれ、世界に普及させる役割をブロードウェイが担っていたのだと思う。


New YorkとLondonにおける私のささやかなミュージカル鑑賞の体験を基に私見を述べるなら、London発ミュージカルはドラマ性が強く、New York発のそれは華やかでダイナミックな踊りと歌に特徴があった。




