2004/8/4 (Wednesday)
When I was given a lecture by an authority on international law under the theme of "Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants," I first learned that prisoners of war during war or armed conflict had human rights.
But at the same time, it was too complicated and esoteric for me to understand the background behind this law on the human rights of prisoners of war, which involved Christian ideas and the Geneva Agreement.
In particular, Japan, where I live, abandoned war by the Constitution, so it felt like "where the world is talking", but even at that time, there were many countries where war and conflict were directly linked to daily life. After the professor's lecture, enthusiastic questioners formed a long line to exchange opinions with the professor, and while watching the scene, I was keenly aware of my peace blur.
However, as I wrote this in June 2022, I think that the "Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants" should be discussed again now that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been prolonged.
By the way, in this lecture series program, after the professor gives a speech for about an hour, anyone who wants to ask a question can line up behind the left and right microphones and ask the professor directly for an answer.
Depending on the theme, when there are many questioners, it reaches 20 to 30 people, and the professor who responds to those questions is improvised and responds without drinking water, so I was impressed that the Harvard professor is amazing.
The photo is "DIRECTED LISTENING" for "Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants" that I submitted to the instructor.
プロフェッサーのレクチャー(3)「Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants」
「Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants」というテーマで、国際法の権威からレクチャーを受けた時、私は初めて、戦争または武力紛争時の捕虜に人権があることを知った。
しかし、2022年の6月、これを書いている今、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻が長期化している今こそ、「Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants」を改めて議論すべきではないかと思う。
写真は私がインストラクターに提出した「Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants」に対する「DIRECTED LISTENING」