Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 1994 Portugal (Extra) Movie "Lisbon Story"

"Lisbon Story" was filmed in 1995 by Director Wim Wenders in response to a request from the city of Lisbon for a "movie with the motif of Lisbon City", while a recording engineer rotated around and took pictures with the camera. , Some cases develop. 

I had just finished my Portugal tour in May 1994, and I could see the city of Lisbon, which has a lot of slopes, and the impressive TEJO river again through the screen. I went to.


And I knew through this movie. Unlike the fado that expresses the dark and heavy feelings that Amalia Rodrigues has symbolized, the appearance of a new fado that features strings of a young orchestra and creates a clear melody. 

I got the soundtrack CD immediately and listened to it many times, but in particular, Teresa Salgueiro, who also starred in the movie, sings with a clear voice, the title roll song "AINDA" and TEJO river theme "O TEJO" heals me.


TEJO river




From the cover of the soundtrack CD "MADREDEUS AINDA"











 そして、私はこの映画を通して知った。これまでのアマリア・ロドリゲス(Amália  Rodrigues)が象徴していた暗くて重い情念を表現するファドとは異なる、若い楽団のストリングスをフューチャーして澄み切ったメロディーを醸す新しいファドの出現を。 

早速サウンドトラック盤CDを入手し、何度も聴いているが、取り分け、映画でも主演しているTeresa Salgueiroが澄み切った声で歌う、タイトルロール曲の「AINDA]とTEJO河をテーマにした "O TEJO" が私を癒やしてくれる。