Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 1986 New Orleans (3)

In the daytime on the second day of my stay in New Orleans, we enjoyed walking while looking at the ironwork balcony reminiscent of delicate lace knitting of the houses on both sides of Bourbon Street.


And when we headed for the shopping mall with healing thirst, we heard the songs of cheerful Doobie Brothers, so heading there, a young band of 4 players played on the terrace of the restaurant So we also decided to join the pipe chair audience. 

When the performances settled down, the band received a request from the audience, so I asked for "Cotton Fields" of Creedence Clearwater Revival. 

I thought that they are too different at Creedence Clearwater Revival, with their favorite Dobby Brothers, but the stage of "Cotton Fields" is exactly in the south of the United States It was a thing.


After consulting for a while, the four members played "Cotton Fields" of stunning rhythm and an expansive singing voice.

I am thankful to that young member who still made vivid memories in New Orleans.






そして、私達が、喉の渇きを癒やそうとショッピングモールに向かったところ、陽気なドゥービー・ブラザーズ の曲が聞こえてきたのでそちらに向かうと、レストランののテラスで4人組の若いバンドが演奏していたので、私達もパイプ椅子の聴衆に加わる事にした。




