Diary in Google Translate Retrospect 1991 London (4)

At the end of 1989, when the Nikkei average stock price was 38,915 yen and the market capitalization of shares listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 590 trillion yen, becoming the world 1st, the Japanese government at that time announced the following concept.

“Establish a financial district comparable to Wall Street and the City in Otemachi, where there are many major financial institutions including foreign capital.”


At that time, Otemachi, where I was commuting, had a remarkable advance in foreign financial institutions, and it was not uncommon for blonde and blue-eyed businessmen to appear in commuter trains, lunchtime, and evening restaurants. They quickly disappeared from Otemachi as the bubble burst.


Now, my friend and I have changed the subway many times and arrived at the City, once the Japanese government modeled a financial district. 

However, we had to give up on the visit to the London Stock Exchange because of the impact of the bomb incident by the IRA (Ireland Republican) interim group in July of the previous year.


By the way, the City was independent of London, and the current British Prime Minister Boris Johnson once served as mayor for the second term. 

The photo is the city at the time.





外資を含む大手金融機関の多い大手町にウオール街やシティ(the City)に匹敵する金融街を形成する」




さて、私と友人は何度も地下鉄を乗変えて、かつて日本政府が金融街のお手本にしたシティ(the City)に到着した。 



因みに、シティ(the City)はロンドン市とは独立した存在で、現在の英国のボリス・ジョンソン首相はかつて市長を2期務めていた。 

写真は当時のシティ(the City)。