


待望のひと雨後の涼しさ、これは「古書漁り日和」とばかりに、神保町の日本書房に行く。日本書房は、先日、神田古書店地図帖を私にくれた書店のご主人が、「神保町で唯一の国文学関係を豊富に揃えた店です」と教えてくれたお店である。 都営地下鉄三田線の神…






私が勤務していた当時の計算センターは、キーパンチャーや、女性スタッフは急ぎの仕事がない限り基本的に残業をすることはなかった。 しかし、計算機を操作するオペレーター(男性)は、ローテーションを組んでの残業は定例であった。 というのは、受注計算…


現在は大手町ビルの1階の日比谷通り側に広い売り場を構える紀伊国屋書店は、当時は地下二階にそれほど広くはない売り場を構えていた。 とは言え、オフィスのビル内に大きな書店があるのは、私たちビル内に働くものにとっては、ランチタイム、休憩時間、ある…


プログラムに.(ピリオド)はつきものだ。しかし私が働いていた計算センターでは誰もピリオドなどという回りくどい読み方はしない。皆(ポツ)と呼んでいた。 ところで、私がキーパンチャー室から卒業して計算センターの受付を担っていた頃、C.(シーポツ…



隠居Journal:大手町ビルの思い出(2)「カムイ伝」「週刊少女フレンド」「週刊マーガレット」が並んでいたdebug room

私をキーパンチャーとして採用したのは、日本で唯一、IBMが1964年4月に発表したメインフレームコンピュータのシリーズであるSystem/360を備え、科学計算の受注を主としたコンピュータ・センターであった。 従業員は主として高卒のオペレーター、キーパンチャ…


手元にセピア色の写真がある。そこには大手町ビルの屋上でバドミントンをしている約60年前の私が映っている。 東京オリンピック開会式直前の1964年10月6日に、私は憧れの大手町ビル内の職場で働くことになった。 当時は、丸の内や大手町にオフィス…


今年の1月21日の16時前頃、東京駅に隣接する丸の内オアゾのスタバを出て、丸の内仲通りに向かったところ、聞き覚えのあるサックスの音が耳に入ってきた。 「ひょっとして、去年のあの人かしら」と足を速めると、丸ビルと三菱商事ビルに挟まれた仲通りで…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (62) Air courier arrangements, essay contests, etc.

2004/8/19(Thursday) Two days later, on Saturday morning, I had to vacate the comfortable Kirkland House that I had grown accustomed to for nearly two months. As one of the preparations today, I exchanged phone calls and emails many times…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (61) "John F. Kennedy Library and Museum"

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 In the English training program, Level B, which I am participating in, as a finishing touch to the workshop, teams of 3 to 4 people were assigned to give presentations for 20 minutes each. Each team should choose…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (60) "De Revolutionibus" (2)

2004/8/17 (Tue) Mr. C and I, who were given the theme of "De Revolutionibus", after going through initial confusion and misunderstandings, set goals for this presentation: (1) simple composition, and (2) using our own words as much as poss…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (59) "De Revolutionibus" (1)

2004/8/17 (Tue) In order to better understand the Harvard University professor's lecture on the theme of "Nicolaus Copernicus" in the Plenary Lecture Series, the instructor set nearly 10 themes related to "Nicolaus Copernicus" and listed t…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (58) A lot of homework from the M instructor at the last minute!

2004/8/16(Monday) Last night, I searched the web for materials related to the Cold War-era tensions that I was planning to incorporate into my solo presentation on the theme of "The Kennedy Library and Museum" on the afternoon of the 18th …

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (57) Summer School Completion Qualification and Feedback Survey

2004/8/13/ (Friday) Tonight I received an email from the summer school authorities to let me know that I am fully qualified for Harvard Summer School. We still have two presentations coming out next week. In addition, a feedback questionna…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (56) Preparing for two presentations without an air conditioner in the middle of summer is hard work

2004/8/12/ (Thursday) Even though it's not as hot as in Tokyo, it's hard work preparing for two upcoming presentations in my room in a dormitory without an air conditioner, enduring temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius. The rental fan at…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (55) 4 presentations by 1 team to complete the workshop

2004/8/11/ (Wednesday) At the workshop in the afternoon class, it was decided that one team would give four presentations as a finishing touch. Each team consists of 3 to 4 people, each team has 20 minutes, and presentations on the four th…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (54) Drop out !

2004/8/9/ (Monday) A Japanese woman in her 30s who was with me in the afternoon workshop class had disappeared from the classroom. Rumor has it she dropped out. She lived in Paris and she had a job in Boston at the right time, so she was a…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (53) Running out of energy!

2004/8/8/ (Sun) There are two weeks left of summer school, and I've been falling asleep more and more due to lack of sleep and accumulation of fatigue. Especially on Thursday and Friday last week, I had a lot of homework and submissions be…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (52) Cafe discussion (2) Level B two class comparison

2004/8/6 (Friday) The topic shifted to class scenery, and Mr. T gave an interesting story as a breakthrough. According to Mr. T, even though we are all at the same level as B, the M instructor's class to which I, Mr. K and Mr. C belong is …

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (51) Cafe discussion (1) How to handle the Employment Ice Age

2004/8/6 (Friday) After class in the afternoon plenary lecture series, I was invited by a Japanese Mr. K in the same class to talk at a cafe near Kirkland House where coffee was reputed to be delicious. Others are Mr. C, a Taiwanese man in…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (50) We finally asked the professor for the first time!

2004/8/6 (Friday) This afternoon's lecture in the Plenary Lecture series was a speech by a fairly enthusiastic professor looking for books by Nicolaus Copernicus in every corner of the world. I was drawn to the professor's extraordinary re…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (49) It is necessary to grasp the whole systematically.

2004/8/5(Thursday) With only two weeks left in the summer school, weekly presentations have become a major issue for me. The presentation is given by a team of two or three people, and the team members change for each theme, so it takes …

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (48) Professor's Lecture (3) "Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants"

2004/8/4 (Wednesday) When I was given a lecture by an authority on international law under the theme of "Due Process of Law and Captured Enemy Combatants," I first learned that prisoners of war during war or armed conflict had human righ…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (47) Professor's Lecture (2) The New Politics of Higher Education

2004/8/4 (Wednesday) Taking a lecture on "The New Politics of Higher Education", I learned for the first time that the United States does not have a national university. At the same time, the United States does not have an institution th…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (46) Professor Lecture (1) Plenary Lecture Series

2004/8/4 (Wednesday) Every Friday afternoon, a "Plenary Lecture Series" was organized in which students from all levels (E to A) of English training programs gathered together to receive a lecture in their specialty from a Harvard profes…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (45) Go out to Chinatown with classmates

2004/8/3 (Tuesday) After school today, I met my classmates in the courtyard of Kirkland House and headed out to Chinatown. There are a total of 6 people, including Japanese male language student K, Taiwanese businessmen E and C, Japanese f…

60-year-old Harvard Summer School Diary in Google Translate (44) Reading comprehension (2) Deepen through discussions

2004/8/2 (Monday) After deepening my reading comprehension by writing, I further deepened my reading comprehension through discussions in small groups and the entire class. As already mentioned, the Level B Integrated Skills Class students…